Tragedy Strikes in an Auto-Pedestrian Accident in Raymondville

by Amber Cortez | November 8th, 2018 | Auto Accident, News

An auto-pedestrian crash occurred in Raymondville on Tuesday, November 6th, killing one elderly man.

Details of the Accident

The Texas Department of Public Safety was called out to Business 77 to investigate an auto-pedestrian accident just north of Raymondville that took the life of a 69-year-old man this past Tuesday. It was reported that a Dodge Ram pickup truck had been traveling south when the elderly resident of Raymondville was struck just after 7 in the evening.

Authorities are currently conducting an investigation, working with the driver of the vehicle, who also stopped to render aid to the elderly man.

Texas Auto-Pedestrian Law

While auto-pedestrian accidents have seen a recent spike in the last 25 years, it is important to know what Texas law requires if anyone should be involved in such an accident. Rendering aid can literally save lives.

The state of Texas requires, under the Texas Transportation Code Title 7 Chapter 552, that pedestrians must:

  • Use a sidewalk whenever available and stay on the right side of it.
  • Only use traffic lights to cross and only when given the signal.
  • Only cross on a marked crosswalk.

However, it is worth noting that if no marked crosswalk is available, a pedestrian may cross the street only after giving vehicles the right-of-way. This, in accordance with Texas traffic law, is considered jaywalking, and a pedestrian can be held liable if they did not yield properly.

By the same token, as a motorist, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of those on the road as well. There are four ways that a motorist can be considered negligent:

  1. The driver of the vehicle had a duty to ensure the pedestrian’s safety.
  2. That duty was breached.
  3. That breach of duty caused the pedestrian’s injuries.
  4. The pedestrian suffered damages.

As drivers, it is our duty to obey all traffic laws and ordinances while refraining from engaging in reckless, negligent, or distracted driving.

Have you or someone you love been involved in an auto-pedestrian accident? Don’t let your voice go unheard.

At J. Gonzalez Injury Attorneys, our expert car accident attorneys are well-versed in traffic law and how that can affect your case. For years, we have effectively represented hundreds of clients and won them the compensation they deserve.

Let us do the same for you. Contact us today at any of our McAllen, Brownsville, or Rio Grande City locations to set up your free legal consultation.

Source: ValleyCentral


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